Pixel Watch Broken? Google Says Just Buy a New One

Google has confirmed that it does not have a repair program for the Pixel Watch. If your watch breaks, the only option is to buy a new one.

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2 Min Read
Posted: September 16, 2023

Google Pixel watch is one the most expensive smartwatches, starting at 350$ and going up to 400$, so as a consumer, you will expect Google to fix your watch if it malfunctions, but Google doesn’t think about its consumers as they recently confirmed that Pixel watch does not have a repair program for the Pixel Watch, meaning that if your watch breaks, the only option is to buy a new one. This is disappointing news for Pixel Watch owners, as it means that they are essentially at the mercy of Google if their watch malfunctions.

There are a few possible reasons why Google may not have a repair program for the Pixel Watch. One possibility is that the watch is simply too complex to repair. Another possibility is that Google does not have enough repair parts on hand to meet demand. Finally, it is also possible that Google has simply decided that it is not worth the expense to offer repairs for the Pixel Watch.

Whatever the reason, the lack of a repair program for the Watch is a major drawback for the device. It means that Pixel Watch owners are taking a risk when they buy the watch, as they know that if it breaks, they will have to buy a new one.

How to avoid breaking your Pixel Watch

There are a few things you can do to avoid breaking your Watch:

  • Be careful when handling the watch. The Pixel Watch has a glass display, so it is important to avoid dropping it or bumping it against hard surfaces.
  • Use the watch charger that came with the watch. Using a third-party charger could damage the watch.
  • Keep the watch clean and dry. Avoid getting water or sweat on the watch.

If you follow these tips, you can help to extend the life of your Watch and reduce the risk of it breaking.

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