Rabbit R1: Everything You Need To Know

Devices like Rabbit R1 are starting a new wave of Ai devices that aim to make our lives easier by doing things for us.

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5 Min Read
Posted: January 14, 2024

With the rise of AI and large language models (LLMs), a new wave of LLM devices has emerged that aim to do most of your work. Last year, Humane launched its AI pin, and now a new company named Rabbit has come out with a new AI device, Rabbit R1. According to Jesse Lyu Rabbits, CEO, and Founder, it is not a device that’s made to replace our smartphones but will work as a stand-alone device that will perform tasks like ordering food and planning a whole trip for us. So, let’s look at everything we know about Rabbit R1 so far.

What is Rabbit R1

Rabbit R1: Everything you need to know (Image credit: Rabbit)

Rabbit R1: Everything you need to know (Image credit: Rabbit)

Rabbit R1 is a pocket-size device that will have a tiny 2.88 inches touch screen, a camera, Bluetooth, wifi and a sim slot, but what makes it different from our conventional smartphones is the OS and capabilities to use large language models and AI to do stuff for you, for example, Rabbit R1 can plan a trip for you and also book plane tickets and hotel rooms for that trip, book an Uber and order your food.

Explaining the idea behind Rabbit R-1, rabbit founder and CEO Jesse Lyu said:

“We’ve come to a point where we have hundreds of apps on our smartphones with complicated UX designs that don’t talk to each other. As a result, end users are frustrated with their devices and are often getting lost. rabbit is now building towards an intuitive app-free experience with the power of AI.”

“Large Language Models, like ChatGPT, showed the possibility of understanding natural language with AI; our Large Action Model takes it one step further: it doesn’t just generate text in response to human input – it generates actions on behalf of users to help us get things done.”

Rabbit R1: Release date and Price

Rabbit R1 was officially announced on the 9th of January at CES 2024. The company opened its pre-orders that same day, and surprisingly, it sold its first batch within 24 hours of its announcement. Those who pre-order will start receiving their rabbit R1 by March or April 2024.

As per Rabbit’s official site, the Rabbit R1 will retail for $199 and will not have any monthly subscription or hidden charges, and people from the following countries can re-order now on Rabbit’s official site: US, Canada, the UK, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, South Korea, and Japan.

Rabbit R1: Hardware

The r1 (Image credit: Rabbit)

The r1 (Image credit: Rabbit)

R1 is a tiny orange square by the famous Swedish design firm Teenage Engineering. R1 has a slim 2.88-inch screen. The device is small enough to fit in your pocket easily and only weighs around 115 grams (4 Oz).

The Rabbit R1 will feature a field mic, a speaker, and a camera that can rotate 360 degrees. It is referred to as the rabbit eye, and the device will also feature an analogue scroll wheel that can be used to control the screen. On the right, the device will have a button that will be pressed to enable the mic. This means the device will not listen to you 24/7 but only when you want. Double-tapping the button will turn on the camera.

R1 will have a 2.3GHz MediaTek Helio processor, and as per the company, its battery will last all day. The device will be charged using a Type-C cable, but it is worth noting that the box will not include a charging brick. And Type-C cable, so you will have to use the one you already got

Rabbit R1: Software

The r1 (Image credit: Rabbit)

The r1 (Image credit: Rabbit)

What makes R1 such a unique product is its software. Rabbit R1 will run a new operating system called Rabbit Os. Rabbit Os will use large action models (LAMs) to do things for you. From the demo shown at CES 2024, the Rabbit R1 can perform tasks like playing songs, booking a cab, ordering food, checking stock prices, planning the whole vacation, and booking plane tickets and hotels for that vacation.

The way Rabbit Os will work is still unclear, but we know that the device will not have any apps installed but will use the cloud to access all the apps for you. Rabbit won’t be able to access any of your data, and your data will only be accessible to you. Rabbit’s privacy page gives us a few more details:

“when you interact with rabbit OS, you will be assigned a dedicated and isolated environment on our cloud for your own LAM [large action model]. When our rabbits perform tasks for you, they will use your own accounts that you have securely granted us control over through our rabbit hole web portal”

“we do not store your passwords for these services. Rabbits will ask for permission and clarification during the execution of any tasks, especially those involving sensitive actions such as payments.”

R1 can also perform complex tasks like real-time translation and analyze your environment using its camera. For example, it can look at a picture of a thing in your fridge and tell you what dishes you can cook with the stuff in your fridge.

The best thing about Rabbit Os will be its teach mode. With the help of teaching mode, you can teach R1 a new thing by just providing a video of you performing that task. For example, suppose you want to teach your R1 to generate AI-generated pictures. In that case, you need to give him a video of you generating images using the help of AI, and he will learn how to develop AI images by watching the video you provided.

Personal Opinion

I don’t think Rabbit R1 or any other device like R1 will significantly impact the mobile industry, but it will create a niche audience for itself. The hype these products have around them will slowly decrease, and the devices will only be used by a small number of people as an extension to their mobiles, but there is still some potential as the world moves toward a new age of AI. These devices might have the chance to revolutionize the smartphone industry forever.

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[…] LAMs are a product of relatively recent developments in AI. This technology being used in the devices we use today will be game-changing. The ability to automate using LAMs will allow people to focus on essential tasks and leave the repetitive stuff to AI. Rabbit demonstrated LAMs’ capabilities during CES 2024 perfectly through their rabbit r1. […]