Siri’s Evolution and the Declining Need for Standalone AI Gadgets
Siri’s Evolution and the Declining Need for Standalone AI Gadgets
8 months ago ... 

As voice assistants like Siri become increasingly integrated into our lives, will they render standalone AI gadgets obsolete, or will there always be a niche for specialized devices?”

TECH AIHumaneRabbit R1Siri
Humane Ai Pin: Things You Need To Know
Humane Ai Pin: Things You Need To Know
9 months ago ... 

Welcome to a future where technology is not just innovative but also considerate. Introducing the Humane AI Pin, a revolutionary…

Humane AI Pin: In Review
Humane AI Pin: In Review
10 months ago ... 

Humane, founded by ex-apple employees Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, has finally released its first, much-anticipated product: the Humane AI pin.

Everything You Need To Know About Humane’s AI Pin
Everything You Need To Know About Humane’s AI Pin
10 months ago ... 

Humane is set to launch its first product so lets take a look in to everything we know about the Humane’s AI pin so far.