Siri’s Evolution and the Declining Need for Standalone AI Gadgets
Siri’s Evolution and the Declining Need for Standalone AI Gadgets
6 months ago ... 

As voice assistants like Siri become increasingly integrated into our lives, will they render standalone AI gadgets obsolete, or will there always be a niche for specialized devices?”

TECH AIHumaneRabbit R1Siri
Humane Ai Pin: Things You Need To Know
Humane Ai Pin: Things You Need To Know
8 months ago ... 

Welcome to a future where technology is not just innovative but also considerate. Introducing the Humane AI Pin, a revolutionary…

Humane AI Pin: In Review
Humane AI Pin: In Review
8 months ago ... 

Humane, founded by ex-apple employees Imran Chaudhri and Bethany Bongiorno, has finally released its first, much-anticipated product: the Humane AI pin.

Everything You Need To Know About Humane’s AI Pin
Everything You Need To Know About Humane’s AI Pin
9 months ago ... 

Humane is set to launch its first product so lets take a look in to everything we know about the Humane’s AI pin so far.