Inside Out 2 Review – A Vividly Realized Sequel That Hits All The Right Emotional Notes
Inside Out 2 Review – A Vividly Realized Sequel That Hits All The Right Emotional Notes
1 month ago ... 

Pixar, for most, including myself, is easily the best animation studio out there. Ever since they came on the scene in 1995 with the revolutionary first Toy Story film, a lot of what they’ve touched has managed to turn into gold. Inside Out 2 is no exception.

ENTERTAINMENT articleEntertainmentreview
Memento Review – It’s All Backwards
Memento Review – It’s All Backwards
7 months ago ... 

Memento, a psychological thriller film about a man who cannot make new memories seeking revenge, directed by Christopher Nolan.

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Breaking Down Forrest Gump – A Journey Of Life, Love And Death
Breaking Down Forrest Gump – A Journey Of Life, Love And Death
7 months ago ... 

“Forrest Gump: Life’s surprises, love, and a bit of magic. Simple yet extraordinary – just like a feather in the breeze.”

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Whiplash Review- Passion Or Obsession?
Whiplash Review- Passion Or Obsession?
7 months ago ... 

A review of the intense drama movie Whiplash, following the journey of Andrew an aspiring jazz drummer.

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