Have you ever been in a situation where you have a vivid memory of a specific instance, but there is no proof, and everyone else remembers otherwise?
That is the Mandela effect, except it’s a phenomenon where a crowd collectively misremembers a detail.
The term Mandela effect was coined by Fiona Broome in the early 2000s. She noticed that, along with many others, she wrongly remembered that Nelson Mandela had died in prison when, in actuality, he was released in 1990 and even went forth to become the President of South Africa.
Subsequently, Broome was intrigued by this seemingly weird coincidence of everyone making a combined mistake. Having a background in paranormal research, she was encouraged to study further and look more into various other examples of the Mandela effect.
Close your eyes and picture the character Pikachu in your head; now, if you imagined the end of his tail to be black, you are unfortunately wrong. Pikachu has never had a black spot on his tail, and it has always been entirely yellow.
Although many people are ready to swear that the tail is black, there’s no proof or pictures as evidence
Some other thought-provoking examples include:
Sketchers or Skechers?
There are many theories and potential explanations for this peculiar phenomenon. Broome herself suggested that the Mandela Effect is a clear memory that never occurred in this reality, feeding into the theory of alternate realities. That Nelson Mandela might have possibly died in prison in another reality, and there is no scientific evidence in favour or against this.
However, rather than parallel universes, it is more likely that psychological factors caused the Mandela Effect.
While recalling memories, human brains might fill in the gaps inaccurately. Therefore, through social reinforcement of the wrong details, numerous groups of people can create false memories. This led to what is now known as the Mandela Effect.
The Mandela Effect is a conspiracy of how a mass number can all be wrong. Nevertheless, there is no definite answer to why the Mandela Effect exists, which makes it even more compelling. Parallel worlds or a malfunction of the human brain? Still, we wonder how many other details we might know incorrectly.
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