Note: this article and its contents are sourced from ‘Neurosymbolic Programming,’ a research paper published in collaboration with MIT, Cornell, Google, and more—full citation of the authors and the article
Note: this article and its contents are sourced from ‘Neurosymbolic Programming,’ a research paper published in collaboration with MIT, Cornell, Google, and more—full citation of the authors and the article
YouTubers have been leaving YouTube. This article delves into the many reasons why YouTubers are quitting YouTube.
As voice assistants like Siri become increasingly integrated into our lives, will they render standalone AI gadgets obsolete, or will there always be a niche for specialized devices?"
25 years on from the show responsible for beginning the cable-TV renaissance, The Sopranos influence over television is immense. In honour of its 25th anniversary, Estrakt has decided to rank the top 25 best The Sopranos episodes.